Hello my name is Luke Nevis.
I currently live in Sacramento California.
I have wanted to move to Mount Shasta for quite some time and now the time has come for me to make the move.
I'm looking for a temporary place to stay while I find a job and find a more permanent place to call home.
I am a musician / entrepreneur.
I am currently working on my first solo album.
I am a very hard worker and I am very efficient.
I am very respectful and I love to motivate and inspire people.
I am 27 years old and have experience in painting, a little construction, Landscaping, moving, organizing, cleaning, graphic design, music production, etc.
I am looking to have a full time job in the area within the next two weeks so I can move into a place.
I am looking for a place to lay my head and shower for a couple of weeks at the longest while I get on my feet.
I will be starting completely fresh when I come up there so I don't have much money but If you need work done on or around your property or know of anybody hiring we can
work something out where I can trade labor for a place to sleep while I find a stable job.
It won't take me long to get hired somewhere.
I am a good person and I am very helpful.
Shasta is so peaceful and has always been one of my very favorite places to visit and I am ready to call this place home.
Feel free to call, text, or email me anytime.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Much Love and Light.
God Bless!