VG cond Pro Serviced MX110z.
Caps, resistors, tubes, diodes etc checked and replaced if not to spec.
Controls cleaned and correctly lubed.
Latest MX110 ebay sold are $3,134 and $2,090.
The 2090 one had issues and needed service .
Mx110z Serviced $1,900.
MC225 amp in VG cond and also Pro Serviced as above.
The "dogbone" caps key to the McIntosh smooth sound were tested and left alone.
MC225 Serviced $2,900.
Gear currently in storage but can be available to view given 24 hrs notice.
Shipping considered.
Can deliver within couple hours driving.
Looking for pair of Dynaco speakers.
(A25, A35, A50 etc).
Also will soon be selling MR67, MR71 and MX115.
Thank you.
(General Class ham radio license since 1958)